The Absolute Best Breakfast to Flatten Your Stomach, According to an Expert


Want to finally score that six-pack? When it comes to maximizing your belly benefits, the most important meal of the day really lives up to its name. In other words, you might want to start spending more time in the kitchen than the gym—starting with breakfast.

“Consuming a breakfast with protein, healthy fat and quality carbs will keep you satiated and energized,” Andrea Wise, a Chicago-based trainer and nutrition coach, told SheFinds. “That makes it less likely that you will crash or have ravenous cravings later on.” Starting your morning with a hearty dose of protein, fat, and carbs also keeps your body burning fat throughout the day. Don’t miss even more tricks to flatten your belly—without a lick of exercise.

Once you wake up, Wise suggests drinking a mug of green tea. Not only do the antioxidants and catechins found in green tea boost your metabolism, but they can also help your body break down fat, she says. And the benefits don’t stop there; a study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that green tea could accelerate your belly fat loss when paired with regular exercise and a healthy diet.

A plate of eggs is an optimal morning meal, too. Eggs (especially the yolks!) are jam-packed with vitamins D and B12, both of which help your body burn fat. Plus, the protein and healthy fats in eggs make you feel full, which keeps you from snacking on empty calories between meals. Research shows that people who eat eggs in the morning lose more weight and belly fat than those who opt for high carb foods like bagels or cereal. (These foods will fight belly fat, too.)

But the road to a flat belly doesn’t end with your a.m. meal. Eat this at night to practically burn fat in your sleep.




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Posted in Food.