Regular Exercise Gives Body A Complete Makeover; 7 Hidden Benefits Of Daily Exercising

Regular Exercise Gives Body A Complete Makeover; 7 Hidden Benefits Of Daily Exercising

Most of us are aware of the general benefits of regular exercise like building up body and staying fit. But what most of us don't understand is, how these different types of exercises induce different responses within the body. We can notice changes in our body in seconds like the increased heart rate and perfect blood circulation in the muscles, but there is much more than this.

One starts burning calories for fuels and get an immediate mood boost. The health benefits of regular exercise are hard to ignore. Everybody gains some benefits from exercise, regardless of sex, age and physical ability.

#1. Alleviate anxiety

social benefits of exerciseJust 20 minutes of jogging can calm down your anxiety. You might be surprised to know that the fuzzy and warm chemicals released during and after exercise, helps people suffering from anxiety disorder. Hopping on the treadmill is also an exercise that helps release the body chemical, shrinking the anxiety.

#2. Boost brain power

mental benefits of exercise

#3. Improves sleep

exercise help us sleep better apex

No matter what’s your age, working out regularly can improve the quality of your sleep. A moderate workout is equivalent to a sleeping pill, also for people with insomnia. Walking around before bedtime will raise the body temperature then, when the temperature of the body drops back to normal after few minutes, it signals the body to sleep. Regular exercising clearly accentuates some form of sleeping tendency in a body.


#4. Stamina and agility

exercises for stamina and enduranceNot only this, regular exercise can radically increase the stability and can also balance the health as well. If you include a regular exercising regiment in your daily routine, you can significantly slow down the aging process of your body. Do include exercises such as cardiovascular exercise, flexible training, resistance exercise and functional exercise. The sooner you start, the more you gain!

#5. Quick wound healing

heal a wound fast with home remedies

Your overall health, the ongoing medication and most importantly, your diet are some of the factors that decide how fast your wound will heal. The interesting thing is that the wounds of the ones who regularly exercise heal faster than the ones who don’t. To be more precise, a wound of regular non-exercisers heals 10 days later than the person who works out regularly.

#6. Improves work productivity

exercise improves work productivity

There is no doubt that exercise improves employee productivity and diminishes time missed due to illness. Working out regularly keeps you alert and active all the time, and hence, you can do a lot more than the ones who don’t work out regularly.

#7. Sharpen memory

sharpen memory exercises

Regular physical activity boosts ability to learn new things. At the same time, it also offers you sharp memory. Production of cells in hippocampus which is responsible for learning and memory increases by getting sweaty. Working out can improve memory among the grownups as well.

We are sure that you might be surprised to know these unheard benefits of doing exercises regularly. And if that’s not the case, then, we are sure that these advantages would have boosted you to workout regularly.




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Each Gram of Protein & Carbohydrates Contains How Many Kilocalories?


Protein and carbohydrates each contain 4 calories per gram.

Consuming the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat can help you maintain a healthy weight and optimize your energy levels. Protein and carbohydrates both contain 4 calories per gram, while fat provides 9 calories per gram. Calculating your calorie needs can help you determine how many grams of protein, carbohydrates and fat you should consume each day.

Calorie Needs

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans estimates women need 1,600 to 2,000 calories, while men generally require 2,000 to 3,000 calories each day to maintain a healthy weight. Harvard Medical School suggests adults need 13 to 18 calories per pound of body weight each day to maintain their weight. Therefore, a 125-pound woman needs 1,625 to 2,250 calories each day and a 165-pound man requires 2,145 to 2,970 calories per day, depending on their activity level. Safe and effective weight loss diets for men and women usually contain 1,200 to 1,600 calories per day, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Carbohydrate Requirements

The Institute of Medicine recommends adults consume 45 to 65 percent of their daily calories from carbohydrates. Since carbohydrates contain 4 calories in each gram, calculate your carb requirements by dividing 45 to 65 percent of your calorie needs by four. For example, if you require 2,000 calories per day aim to eat 900 to 1,300 calories from carbohydrates, or 225 to 325 grams of carbs each day. Healthy, nutrient-dense carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, nuts and seeds.

Protein Requirements

Adults should consume 10 to 35 percent of their energy intake from protein, according to the Institute of Medicine. Since protein provides 4 calories per gram, if your goal is to consume 20 percent of your calories from protein you’d need to eat 400 calories, or about 100 grams, of protein per day when consuming a 2,000-calorie diet. High-protein foods include lean meats, poultry, seafood, soy products, seitan, eggs, dairy foods, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Fat Requirements

The Institute of Medicine suggests adults eat 20 to 35 percent of their daily calories from fat. Since fat provides 9 calories per gram, calculate your fat needs by dividing 20 to 35 percent of your calorie requirements by nine. Based on these recommendations you should eat 400 to 700 calories from fat, or about 44 to 78 grams of fat, each day when following a 2,000-calorie diet. To reduce your risk for heart disease, choose healthy unsaturated fats, such as vegetable oils, fish oil, hummus, avocados, nuts and seeds instead of high-fat meats, shortening, butter and full-fat dairy products.


1 gram of Fat = 9 calories
1 gram of Carbohydrate = 4 calories
1 gram of Protein = 4 calories




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The Abs Workout You Need to Start Doing

The Abs Workout You Need to Start Doing

Having a strong and stable core helps with any sport. Your midsection generates tremendous power as you lift, pull, push and twist so you can perform your very best. But you can’t get a bulletproof core with a few planks or crunches, you need to use specific core exercises that challenge your midsection like crazy from every angle.

Your abs, obliques and transverse abdominis are built for stability and bracing — they help your body withstand twisting and bending to keep your midsection safe. But old-school exercises like situps and crunches don’t create stability or bracing. Worse, all that twisting and bending puts stress on your joints, especially as you yank your neck forward into a bad position.

With the following ab exercises, you use proper posture throughout. That way, you not only strengthen the correct muscles, but you also train yourself to maintain a safe posture even when you’re fatigued late in a workout.


This workout helps sculpt ripped abs and, over time, you’ll also build stability, increase strength and improve endurance.

Do this core workout at the end of a normal strength workout, 2 times per week so you can give your midsection enough rest between sessions.

Notice there’s a variety of equipment — from kettlebells to landmines to cables — and you’re exercising in various positions — prone, standing, kneeling and twisting. That way, you can put your core through the gauntlet of physical demands and train yourself to withstand and overcome them.




Sets: 3; Reps: 10; Rest: 30 seconds

On both knees, grab an ab-wheel and push forward. Descend as low as you can, then pull yourself back up.Keep your arms straight and your hips extended the entire time.


Sets: 3; Reps: 10 alternating sides; Rest: 30 seconds

Place one end of a barbell in a landmine. Stand facing the landmine, grab the other end with your arms extended starting with the barbell end at about eye-level. Twist the barbell to one side without turning your hips or shoulders and keep your arms as straight as possible. Alternate sides. To make it harder, add weight by sliding small plates on the end.

If you don’t have a landmine, just place a folded-up towel in the corner of a wall and wedge one end of a barbell there.


Sets: 2; Reps: 10; Rest: 30 seconds

Get into a plank position on a stability ball. While keeping your torso still, move your forearms up and down. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and don’t let your lower back sag.


Sets: 2; Reps: 8 per side; Rest: 30 seconds

Set the cable machine to chest-height. While standing in a split-stance, turn your shoulders and hips at the same time keeping your arms straight throughout. Make sure to keep the cable handle in front of your chest while turning.

Avoid keeping your feet stationary, which puts a dangerous amount of torque on your lower back. Instead, spin your feet and twist your hips so your lower spine doesn’t have to move.


Sets: 2; Reps: 20 yards each arm; Rest: 30 seconds

Grab a heavy dumbbell in one hand, keep your chest up and shoulder blades squeezed and walk.


Sets: 2; Reps: 3 clockwise and 3 counterclockwise on each knee; Rest: 30 seconds

Get on one knee (keep your feet in line) and hold one kettlebell in both hands with the large part over your hands. Keep your lower back neutral and make big circles around your head with the kettlebell. Do all your reps one way and then switch directions. Next, switch legs.



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