...prven tricks to boosting your fat loss and and getting in the BEST shape of your life!..

Have you absolutely made a 180 on your diet and exercise program to try to get rid of that last 10 pounds?

Is it harder than you think to lose those last few pounds?

This is a common tale told by weight loss seekers around the world.  They have changed their complete lifestyle to include healthy eating habits and a well-structured fat-torching exercise program.

Yet, they still have those last few pounds to lose…

Or there is STILL a slight pouch on their lower belly!

What is one to do?  Well, you should probably start including some of these tips…

The 3 Tips For Those Last 10 Pounds

Look, everyone who has “dieted” or changed their lifestyle to lose weight has struggled with losing those last few pounds.

It can literally stare you in the face when get up in the morning…

Or get out of the shower…

…or when you’re trying on new clothes.

But, if you include these THREE tips, then you may be able to kiss those last few pounds goodbye!

1. Boost Your Fiber (but not too much!)

There may be a problem happening inside your belly right now.  And that problem may be causing you gas, bloating, and a little bit of extra puffiness around your belly.

This could signal that you have some issues with your digestive system…

…or that you simply aren’t eating enough fiber!

Fiber is a key nutrient that is needed for improving digestive health AND losing fat.

It is recommended that you take in 25 to 30 grams per day, which can be done by including more fiber-rich foods into your diet, like fruits and vegetables.

But, don’t go nuts right away!  Too much fiber may also lead to digestive stress such as cramping and gas.  So if you’re not currently taking in a lot of fiber, start slow, and watch the weight slowly come off!

2. Pick Up Heavy Weight, Put Down…Repeat

If you aren’t including strength training into your workout, you really should be!

Strength training may boost your lean muscle mass, therefore adding significant advantages to your metabolism.

Adding some lean muscle mass may boost your metabolism and give you a leaner, toner look.

3. Step Up Your Exercise Program

Now, speaking of exercise, including strength training is a great piece to the puzzle.  But, if you really want to burn fat, then you need to step up your game.

Get out of the boring cardio routine and include some interval training.

Not only does interval training expend MORE calories than cardio alone, but you may also burn even more after the workout is over.

This effect – called the afterburn effect – is when your body increases oxygen consumption in order to return it to its pre-exercise state - or its resting state.

Now, depending on the intensity and duration of the workout, you could expect to see increased oxygen consumption – and possible calorie burn – for anywhere been 30 minutes and 72 hours.

Including a little bit of interval training may lead to increased calorie burn and even more fat loss.

It’s About Time To Lose That 10 Pounds

Look, you have done a great job so far losing the fat and keeping it off.  But, if you’re like most people, then you have a little padding or you may have a little bit more weight that is struggling to come off!

That’s why including these three tips could help you out tremendously!

Not only are they simple to implement, they may go a long way to improving your gut health, boosting your metabolism, and increasing some metabolism-boosting lean mass.

The final result may be a lean and toned body for the months ahead!  Go ahead, your metabolism, body, and fat loss will thank you for it!

Source: myfitnesshut.blogspot.com

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Why Weight Training Is Ridiculously Good For You


For many, weight training calls to mind bodybuilders pumping iron in pursuit of beefy biceps and bulging pecs. But experts say it’s well past time to discard those antiquated notions of what resistance training can do for your physique and health. Modern exercise science shows that working with weights—whether that weight is a light dumbbell or your own body—may be the best exercise for lifelong physical function and fitness.

“To me, resistance training is the most important form of training for overall health and wellness,” says Brad Schoenfeld, an assistant professor of exercise science at New York City’s Lehman College. During the past decade, Schoenfeld has published more than 30 academic papers on every aspect of resistance training—from the biomechanics of the push-up to the body’s nutrient needsfollowing a hard lift. Many people think of weight training as exercise that augments muscle size and strength, which is certainly true. But Schoenfeld says the “load” that this form of training puts on bones and their supporting muscles, tendons and ligaments is probably a bigger deal when it comes to health and physical function.


“Resistance training counteracts all those bone losses and postural deficits,” he says. Through a process known as bone remodeling, strength training stimulates the development of bone osteoblasts: cells that build bones back up. While you can achieve some of these bone benefits through aerobic exercise, especially in your lower body, resistance training is really the best way to maintain and enhance total-body bone strength.

More research links resistance training with improved insulin sensitivity among people with diabetes and prediabetes. One study published in the journal Diabetes Care found that twice-weekly training sessions helped control insulin swings (and body weight) among older men with type-2 diabetes. “Muscle is very metabolically active, and it uses glucose, or blood sugar, for energy,” says Mark Peterson, an assistant professor of physical medicine at the University of Michigan.

During a bout of resistance training, your muscles are rapidly using glucose, and this energy consumption continues even after you’ve finished exercising, Peterson says. For anyone at risk for metabolic conditions—type-2 diabetes, but also high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels and other symptoms of metabolic syndrome—strength training is among the most-effective remedies, he says.

Strength training also seems to be a potent antidote to inflammation, a major risk factor for heart disease and other conditions, says Schoenfeld. A 2010 study from the University of Connecticut linked regular resistance training with inflammation-quelling shifts in the body’s levels of cytokines, a type of immune system protein. Another study from Mayo Clinic found that when overweight women did twice-weekly resistance training sessions, they had significant drops in several markers of inflammation.

More research has linked strength training to improved focus and cognitive functionbetter balanceless anxiety and greater well-being.

Some of the latest and most surprising research is in the realm of “light-load training,” or lifting very small weights. “It used to be thought that you needed to lift heavy loads in order to build muscle and achieve a lot of these benefits,” Schoenfeld says. “That’s what I was taught in grad school and undergrad, but now it looks like that’s completely untrue.”

He says lifting “almost to failure”—or until your muscles are near the point of giving out—is the real key, regardless of how much weight you’re using. “This is a huge boon to adherence, because many older adults or those with injuries or joint issues may not be able to lift heavy loads,” he says.

If all that isn’t convincing enough to turn you onto weights, perhaps this is: maintaining strength later in life “seems to be one of the best predictors of survival,” says Peterson. “When we add strength…almost every health outcome improves.”

“It used to be we thought of strength training as something for athletes,” he adds, “but now we recognize it as a seminal part of general health and well-being at all ages.”


Source: time.com


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