Protein, weight management, and satiety 


Obesity, with its comorbidities such as metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases, is a major public health concern. To address this problem, it is imperative to identify treatment interventions that target a variety of short- and long-term mechanisms. Although any dietary or lifestyle change must be personalized, controlled energy intake in association with a moderately elevated protein intake may represent an effective and practical weight-loss strategy. Potential beneficial outcomes associated with protein ingestion include the following: 1) increased satiety—protein generally increases satiety to a greater extent than carbohydrate or fat and may facilitate a reduction in energy consumption under ad libitum dietary conditions; 2) increased thermogenesis—higher-protein diets are associated with increased thermogenesis, which also influences satiety and augments energy expenditure (in the longer term, increased thermogenesis contributes to the relatively low-energy efficiency of protein); and 3) maintenance or accretion of fat-free mass—in some individuals, a moderately higher protein diet may provide a stimulatory effect on muscle protein anabolism, favoring the retention of lean muscle mass while improving metabolic profile. Nevertheless, any potential benefits associated with a moderately elevated protein intake must be evaluated in the light of customary dietary practices and individual variability.


Obesity is a multifactorial disorder associated with a host of comorbidities including hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, stroke, cancer (eg, endometrial, breast, and colon), osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, and respiratory problems. In the past 30 y the incidence of obesity, defined as a body mass index >30 kg/m2, has increased dramatically in the United States from 15% (1976–1980) to 33% (2003–2004) (1). Although the mechanisms contributing to obesity are complex and involve the interplay of behavioral components with hormonal, genetic, and metabolic processes (23), obesity is largely viewed as a lifestyle-dependent condition with 2 primary causes: excessive energy intake and insufficient physical activity. Although both factors must be considered in any individually tailored intervention, this review will focus primarily on the role of dietary protein in body weight regulation. Specifically, there is evidence that modestly increasing the proportion of protein in the diet, while controlling total energy intake, may improve body composition, facilitate fat loss, and improve body weight maintenance after weight loss (36). A number of recent studies have also demonstrated that a diet with a lower proportion of carbohydrate improves glycemic control in both healthy individuals and type 2 diabetic patients and can lead to improvements in fasting triacylglycerols, HDL cholesterol, and the total cholesterol-to-HDL ratio over a 6- to 12-mo period (78). However, weight loss and maintenance are possible with either a low- or high-carbohydrate diet. Prior data from the Weight Control Registry suggested that among the common features of patients who successfully maintained long-term weight loss was the adoption of a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet (9). More recent data indicate that diets with moderate fat content may also be effective (10). Nevertheless, positive outcomes associated with increased dietary protein are thought to be due primarily to lower energy intake associated with increased satiety (81113), reduced energy efficiency and/or increased thermogenesis (1416), positive effects on body composition, specifically lean muscle mass (41718), and enhanced glycemic control (1819).


It is well established that under most conditions, protein is more satiating than the isoenergetic ingestion of carbohydrate or fat (81113). This suggests that a modest increase in protein, at the expense of the other macronutrients, may promote satiety and facilitate weight loss through reduced energy consumption (20). The increased satiety from protein has been observed in a single meal (2122) and over 24 h (23). In one short-term study, satiety and metabolic rate were examined over a 24-h period in a respiration chamber. Throughout the day, satiety was greater in the high-protein group (protein/carbohydrate/fat: 30/60/10% energy) compared with the high-fat group (protein/carbohydrate/fat: 10/30/60% energy). Importantly, this effect was noted during postprandial periods as well as during meals (12). It must be noted, however, that in this instance greater satiety was observed in response to a 3-fold greater protein load, a condition unlikely to represent a normal dietary intake for most individuals. Despite some evidence that habitual exposure to a higher-protein diet may diminish its effect on satiety (24), others have suggested that the greater satiating effects of a higher-protein diet are relatively long lasting (2527). In a 16-week study, subjects consuming a high-protein (34%)/lower-fat (29%) diet reported greater postmeal satiety than subjects consuming a standard protein (18%)/higher-fat (45%) diet (27).

In some cases, the generally higher satiating effects of protein are not evident (28). Acutely, carbohydrate is very satiating, yet protein usually has a greater prolonged satiating effect. However, under normal conditions, fiber intake, the timing of the assessment, the food form (ie, solid versus liquid), or coingestion of other macronutrients may ultimately influence reported satiety (2930).

There is some suggestion that different protein sources differentially affect satiety. Specifically, it has been shown that ingestion of animal (pork) protein resulted in a 2% higher energy expenditure than ingestion of a plant-based protein (soy) (31). Further, there is evidence that more rapid gastric emptying and a postprandial increase in plasma amino acid concentrations after ingestion of specific proteins (eg, whey versus casein) (32) may increase satiety because of a greater stimulatory effect on gastrointestinal hormones such as cholecystokinin and glucagon-like peptide-1 (33). For example, casein-derived peptides (casomorphins) reduce gastrointestinal motility, resulting in lower postprandial plasma amino acid concentrations, which in turn blunt the satiating effect of higher plasma amino acid concentrations. In comparison, caseinomacropeptide, a glycosylated peptide comprising 15–20% of whey products, stimulates cholecystokinin production and has been shown to increase satiety in some (34), but not all (35), studies. However, despite the suggestion of acute or transient benefits attributable to specific proteins, any such effect may be masked by the concomitant ingestion of a mixture of proteins and other macronutrients in a normal mixed diet.

Ghrelin has been shown to stimulate appetite and promote food intake and may facilitate weight gain (32). Plasma ghrelin concentrations follow a cyclical pattern, increasing before meals and decreasing shortly thereafter. The postprandial reduction is influenced by the relative proportion of macronutrients in a meal, with a greater decrease after protein and carbohydrate ingestion than after fat ingestion (36). However, increased satiety and reduced appetite associated with an increased dietary protein intake may not be mediated by ghrelin homeostasis (27).


Total energy expenditure is the sum of resting energy expenditure, the thermic effect of food, and energy expenditure related to activity. Whereas energy expenditure associated with physical activity offers the most flexibility and may increase several fold above sedentary levels, resting energy expenditure is generally the largest component of total energy expenditure (65–75%) (3437). The energy expenditure due to muscle metabolism is the only component of resting energy expenditure that has the capacity to vary considerably. Although comparatively small relative to total energy expenditure, a small difference in the quantity of lean muscle mass could have a significant effect on energy balance (38). Nevertheless, the role of muscle mass in the prevention of obesity has seldom been examined.

There is a general consensus in the literature that protein stimulates dietary-induced thermogenesis to a greater extent than other macronutrients (1416). The metabolic energy of protein, as defined by the Atwater factor, is 17 kJ/g. However, protein is particularly thermogenic, and the net metabolizable energy is actually 13 kJ/g, making it lower than either carbohydrate or fat (39). Several explanations have been offered for the increased thermogenic effect of protein. For example, it has been suggested that increased protein turnover accounts for most (68%) of the acute thermogenic effects of protein feeding (31). The body has no flexible storage capacity to cope with increased protein intake and therefore has to actively oxidize or otherwise eliminate excess amino acids, which subsequently increases thermogenesis (3140). High-protein meals may also increase thermogenesis and energy expenditure via an up-regulation of uncoupling proteins (231). In animal models, increased protein intake increases uncoupling protein-2 in liver and uncoupling protein-1 in brown adipose tissue. These changes are positively correlated with energy expenditure (2).

In the literature, the definition and composition of a high-protein diet vary considerably, with intakes ranging from expression as a percentage of daily energy intake (27–68%) to an absolute amount (90.5–284 g/d). Whereas protein intake is often expressed as a percentage of total energy intake, during weight loss the absolute protein intake is more relevant (41). When weight loss occurs and energy intake is reduced, the absolute amount of protein ingested can drop below the current Recommended Dietary Allowance value of 0.8 g · kg−1 · d−1, even when the percentage of calories from protein remains the same. In this instance, expressing protein intake as a percentage of calories may be misleading (6). Moreover, protein intake may be within the acceptable macronutrient distribution range, which is expressed as a percentage of energy, but still be below an amount that is optimal for health and disease prevention.


Several studies have suggested that higher protein diets may increase total weight loss and increase the percentage of fat loss (184243). In a 6-month randomized trial of 60 overweight and obese subjects, fat loss was almost twice as great in subjects receiving a high-protein diet (25% energy; 128–139 g/d) compared with a moderate-protein diet (12% energy; 76–80 g/d) (44). The benefits of a higher-protein diet have also been demonstrated in longer-term studies. In a recent 12-mo study, 50 overweight and obese subjects initially spent 6-months consuming a high-protein (25% energy) or medium-protein (12% energy) diet. Consistent with previous studies, weight loss was greater in the high-protein group (−9.4 versus −5.9 kg). During the ensuing 6-mo follow-up period, the high-protein group experienced a 10% greater reduction in intra-abdominal adipose tissue than the medium-protein group (45). As noted previously, the negative energy balance produced by higher-protein diets is probably due to a lower spontaneous energy intake brought about by enhanced satiety (1113) and a greater thermogenic effect (1416).

This ability of a moderately higher-protein diet to limit weight regain after weight loss is ultimately the key determinant of efficacy. In a study of 113 moderately overweight men and women who lost 5–10% of their body weight during a 4-wk very-low-energy diet, those who consumed 18% of their energy intake as protein (101.7 g/d) during a 6-mo weight management phase regained less weight than subjects who consumed 15% of their energy intake as protein (82.7 g/d) (17). Despite only a 3% difference in protein-derived energy, the researchers noted that this effect was independent of changes in cognitive restraint, physical activity, resting or total energy expenditure, and hunger scores, as none of these parameters differed between groups. Thus, for maintenance of weight loss, it may be beneficial to modestly offset other energy sources with protein (42).

In addition to the positive outcome measures reported in controlled studies, there is a potential practical benefit associated with higher-protein diets that directly addresses one of the key areas linked to failed weight loss strategies: compliance. Groups consuming a moderate-carbohydrate, high-protein diet have an increased likelihood of maintaining weight loss at 12 mo and beyond, with improvements in cardiovascular risk factors and minimal risk of side effects (4647). Similarly, in a 12-mo trial overweight subjects, Due et al (45) reported substantially greater compliance in subjects consuming a higher-protein diet (25% energy) of 8% drop out, compared with subjects consuming a lower-protein diet (12% energy) of 28% drop out. Although there is general agreement that permanent weight reduction is difficult to achieve with radical diet and lifestyle changes, long-term adherence to a moderately higher-protein, energy-controlled diet may represent a feasible lifestyle adaptation and be more likely to result in improved weight loss and management.


Body weight management is a complex task involving the interplay of behavioral components with hormonal, genetic, and metabolic processes. Protein has the potential to play a key role in several aspects of body weight regulation. The mechanisms by which increased dietary protein regulate body weight are multifactorial. However, taken together, evidence suggests that a moderate increase in dietary protein in association with physical activity and an energy-controlled diet may improve the regulation of body weight by 1) favoring retention or accretion of fat-free mass at the expense of fat mass at a similar physical activity level, 2) reducing the energy efficiency with respect to the body mass regained, and 3) increasing satiety.

The authors' responsibilities were as follows—DP-J, EW, RDM, RRW, AA, and MW-P: contributed to the conception, drafting, and revision of this manuscript.

Reimbursements of travel costs and lodging were provided to DP-J, EW, RDM, RRW, AA, and MW-P by the Protein Summit sponsors. The Summit sponsors provided DP-J, EW, RDM, and RRW an honoraria for efforts on the Steering Committee for organization of the meeting and preparation of manuscripts, and AA and MW-P received an honorarium for participation in a working group that reviewed and compiled the relevant published literature on this topic. DP-J, EW, RDM, RRW, AA, and MW-P have received compensation for speaking/consulting engagements with The Beef Checkoff through the National Cattlemen's Beef Association. DP-J has received compensation for speaking engagements with the National Dairy Council. AA has received speaker's fees and/or research grants form the Danish Meat Council and Arla Foods and Campina. RDM has received speaker's fees from the National Dairy Council.

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How to Use the Thermic Effect of Food to Boost Your Metabolism



If you want to know how the thermic effect of food influences your metabolism and weight loss, you want to read this article.

Imagine, for a second, that you could lose weight faster by simply eating the right foods.

You know…

  • Your morning grapefruit slims and trims your thighs.
  • Your daily lunch of canned tuna chips away at your belly fat.
  • And your afternoon snack of nuts and berries keep the fat loss humming well into the night.

What a glorious life! Eat your way thin!

Unfortunately, this will only ever exist in your imagination.

The reality is no foods can directly result in fat loss.

(Some foods are more conducive to fat loss than others, but that’s not the same. More on this soon.)

“What about foods that boost your metabolism, though?” you might be thinking.

And that’s what brings us to the topic of this article: the thermic effect of food.

Fitness magazines and “miracle diet” hucksters claim that eating foods with a high thermic effect is the secret to getting the body of your dreams.

If only it were that simple.

The thermic effect of food does play a role in your metabolism and weight loss and weight gain, but not in the way that many people would have you believe.

That is, the foods you eat do affect your metabolism and the speed at which you lose or gain weight, but they aren’t the primary determinants.

And in this article, we’re going to break it all down.

By the end, you’re going to know what the thermic effect of food is and several science-based ways to use it to help improve your metabolism and achieve your fitness goals.


What is the Thermic Effect of Food?

What is the Thermic Effect of Food

The thermic effect of food (TEF) is the amount of energy required to digest and process the food you eat.

It’s also referred to as “specific dynamic action” and “thermogenesis,” and research shows that it accounts for approximately 10% of total daily energy expenditure.

In this way, your metabolism does speed up when you eat, and the amount depends on several factors:

  • The types of foods eaten.

As you can imagine, different foods cost different amounts of energy to process.

For example, the thermic effect is different for carbs, protein, and fats (protein costs the most energy to use and store, followed by carbs, followed by fats).

Studies also show that the thermic effect of highly processed foods is substantially less than their whole-food counterparts (and this is definitely one of the contributing factors to the obesity epidemic).

Small meals result in small increases in energy expenditure and larger meals result in larger increases.

Some people just have faster metabolisms than others (bastards!).

Now, if we left the discussion at that, you would probably walk away with the same misconception that many people have:

If different foods boost your metabolism more than others, then you can lose weight simply by eating large amounts of high-TEF foods.

Well, as much as I wish merely eating food was a viable fat loss strategy, it’s not.

And to understand why, we need to dive deeper into what really happens when you eat and how it relates to fat burning…

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How Does the Thermic Effect of Food Relate to Your Metabolism?

Thermic Effect of Food metabolism

When you eat food, energy expenditure rises.

In addition to that, however…

  1. Fat burning mechanisms are impaired.
  2. Fat storage mechanisms are enhanced.

The magnitude of these effects varies based on what you eat. Some foods impair fat burning more than others and some are more efficiently stored as fat than others.

To understand why, let’s look at exactly what happens when we eat.

Digestion starts as soon as you put food into your mouth.

Enzymes in your saliva begin breaking down food as it moves toward the stomach, which takes over the process of reducing food to usable nutrients.

Protein becomes amino acids, carbs become glucose and glycogen, dietary fat becomes fatty acids, and so on.

Next up is the small intestine, which continues to digest food into nutrients and then absorbs those nutrients into the blood.

Once the nutrients have passed through the walls of the small intestine and into the bloodstream, they need to be transported into cells for use.

And this is where the hormone insulin comes into play.

Insulin’s job is to shuttle nutrients into cells, but it also inhibits lipolysis (the breakdown of fat cells for energy) and stimulates lipogenesis (the storage of energy in fat cells). And shuttles nutrients into fat cells whose job is to, well, get fatter.

This makes sense because why should your body burn fat for energy when it has an abundance of food energy available?

That might sound bad, but realize that if your body were unable to continually replenish its fat stores, they would slowly (or quickly, depending on how active you are) shrink until you eventually died.

Now, these mechanisms are why many “gurus” vilify insulin and eating carbs (because carbs spikes insulin levels).

As insulin blunts fat burning and triggers fat storage, the basic theory is the more insulinogenica diet is, the more it will cause weight gain.

This seems plausible at first blush, but it completely ignores the most important dimension of weight management:

Energy intake.

Because the reality is insulin can’t make you fat. Only overeating can.

The scientific underpinnings at play here are referred to as energy balance, which is the relationship between the amounts of energy you burn and eat.

  • If you eat more energy than you burn, you’re in a state of positive energy balance, and you will gain fat.
  • If you eat less energy than you burn, you’re in a state of negative energy balance, and you will lose fat.

This is true regardless of the types of foods you eat.

You can get fatter eating only the “cleanest” fare and lose fat on a diet of convenience store pigswill.

Now, these principles don’t just apply to your diet as a whole and over time–they apply to every meal you eat.

Specifically, your body is always in one of two states in relation to food:

  • A “fed” state.

In this state, your body is digesting, processing, absorbing, and storing nutrients from food you’ve eaten. This is when fat burning is blunted and fat stores are increased.

  • A “fasted” state.

In this state, your body has finished processing and absorbing (and storing) food you’ve eaten. This is when it must turn to its fat stores to obtain the energy necessary to stay alive, and hence when fat stores are decreased.

In other words, your body alternates between storing and burning fat every day, which is neatly illustrated by the following graph:

fat storage fat loss graph

Now, if you take a closer look at that graph, you can come to a few simple conclusions:

  • If, over time, you store as much fat as you burn, then your total fat mass will stay the same.
  • If you store more fat than you burn, then your total fat mass will increase.
  • If you burn more fat than you store, then you total fat mass will decrease.

This is why energy balance is so important.

  1. When you eat more energy than you burn, the sum of the green portions of the graph outweigh the sum of the blue portions.
  2. When you eat less energy than you burn, the reverse is observed (the blue portions become greater than the green).
  3. And when you eat more or less the same amount of energy as you burn, the areas of the two portions are balanced.

Now, what does all this have to do with the thermic effect of food, you’re wondering?

Well, we recall that TEF contributes to overall energy expenditure, which means it slightly decreases the size of the green areas of the graph (the post-meal fat storage).

That is, TEF can contribute to weight loss by increasing the amount of energy your body burns, but the magnitude of these effects is far too small to really move the needle.

You can gain weight on a diet rich in high-TEF foods because you simply eat too much of them, and you can lose weight on a diet rich in low-TEF foods because you simply know how many calories to eat and regulate your intake of them.

This is why the entire idea of “fat-burning foods” is a myth…

The Great “Fat-Burning Food” Hoax

Fat Burning Food

Fitness blogs can write all the listicles they want about which foods burn fat and which don’t, but it’s all a bunch of humbug.

I don’t care how much celery or tuna you eat every day–it’s not going to noticeably decrease your fat stores unless you’re also in a state of negative energy balance (a calorie deficit).

And you now know why:

Food doesn’t burn fat. Energy expenditure does.

Thanks to TEF and other factors beyond the scope of this article, some foods result in less fat storage than others, but rest assured that an energy surplus results in some degree of fat gain regardless of the composition of your diet.

(I should note, though, that protein is the least fattening of the macronutrients.)

Now, I mentioned earlier that some foods are more conducive to weight loss than others.

That is, they’re not “fat-burning foods,” but they do help you lose weight faster.

Generally speaking, foods that are “good” for weight loss are those that are relatively low in calories but high in volume (and thus satiating).

Many also have a high TEF value as well, and that’s an added bonus.

Examples of such foods include…

  • Basically all forms of protein
  • Whole grains
  • Seeds and nuts (they offset at least some of their energy density with their high TEF and satiety factors)
  • Many types of fruits and vegetables

Simply eating these foods won’t reduce weight, but they can help you make better meal plans for losing weight.

What About Eating More Frequently? Does It Help You Lose Weight Faster?

foods with a high thermic effect

If eating food boosts your metabolism, eating more meals should be better than fewer, then, right?


The flaw in this logic is the assumption that all meals result in more or less the same increase in energy expenditure.

The reality, though, is small meals result in a smaller, shorter metabolic spikes, and larger meals produce larger, longer lasting effects.

This is why research shows that there’s no significant difference in total energy expenditure between nibbling and gorging.

Regardless of the number of meals you eat every day, TEF-related energy expenditure balances out to more or less the same amount.

And this is why so long as you’re managing your calories and macros properly and eating enough nutritious foods, meal sizing and frequency aren’t going to matter much.

The True Benefits of a Highly Thermogenic Diet

Benefits of a Highly Thermogenic Diet

We’ve covered a lot of ground already, but I want to touch on one last subject before signing off.

And that’s the reality that while TEF isn’t terribly important in the overall scheme of losing fat the best type of diet for weight loss is highly thermogenic.

We recall that protein, carbs, and fats affect the metabolism in different ways. They have different TEF values and they are processed and stored differently.

For example, high-protein and high-carb meals cause a bigger metabolic boost and result inless immediate fat storage than high-fat meals.

It’s not surprising, then, to learn that researchshows that high-proteinhigh-carbdiets (which are highly thermogenic) are best for maximizing fat loss.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Protein and carbs have a higher thermic effect than fats, which bolsters daily energy expenditure.
  • Protein and carbs are generally more filling than fats, which helps prevent overeating.
  • Eating adequate protein and carbs while dieting for fat loss helps preserve lean mass, which in turn helps maintain a healthy metabolism.

The bottom line is this:

If you’re physically active, healthy, and have good insulin sensitivity, a high-protein, moderately high-carb, and moderately low-fat intake is going to be best.

(If that sounds ludicrous to you, check out this article on the big myths surrounding low-carb and high-fat dieting.)

The Bottom Line on the Thermic Effect of Food

thermic effect of food definition

You can’t lose fat faster by eating a grapefruit every day or adding spices to your meals.

You can, however, use the thermic effect of food to your advantage by eating a highly thermogenic diet that not only helps accelerate your weight loss but helps you preserve lean mass as well.

And practically speaking, the best way to do this is to eat a high-protein, high-carb, and moderate/low-fat diet.



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5 Simple Ways to Manage Cravings, According to a RD

5 Simple Ways to Manage Cravings, According to a RD

A sudden overwhelming desire for chocolate or a bag of chips — cravings can pop up out of nowhere and be detrimental to weight loss. However, there are both physiological and psychological reasons behind them. The good news is there are plenty of ways to manage cravings.

Keep on track and reach your wellness goals with these five tips for minimizing cravings:


Well-balanced meals rich in fiber, high-quality protein and healthy fats are more likely to keep you satisfied, meaning you’ll be less likely to reach for an unhealthy snack. That’s why meal planning is a great tool. Knowing what you’re going to eat ahead of time can also reduce stress, which is an important factor in weight loss.


Protein requires more work for the body to digest, leaving you feeling full longer. Moreover, since protein and fat slow the absorption of sugar during a meal, eating foods rich in both macronutrients can stabilize blood sugar and moderate cravings. Try incorporating more foods like salmon, tuna, eggs, nuts and full-fat Greek yogurt into your diet.


Dietary fiber slows the rate at which food enters your bloodstream and increases the speed at which food exits your body. This process keeps your blood sugar levels in check, reduces your appetite and creates a sense of fullness for a longer period of time.

Fiber is present in most plant-based foods such as whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nutsand seeds. Here are a few simple ways to increase fiber consumption:

  • Try bulking up on veggies (especially the cruciferous ones).
  • Add a tablespoon or two of ground flax or chia seeds to meals and snacks.
  • Opt for high-fiber fruit like raspberries, blackberries, apples and pears daily.

Giving into cravings has a tendency to be viewed as negative, but it’s not always the main the issue. Rather, an important question to ask yourself is how are you enjoying the foods you crave? Taking the time to plate your food, sit down at the table and savor each bite can help prevent overeating. If you want to learn more about eating intuitively, this simple tool can help with cravings.


Being strategic with how you organize your kitchen can make a big impact on eating patterns. If you purchase foods as occasional treats, place them in opaque containers on the highest shelf in your pantry or cabinets so they’re out of eyesight. Conversely, keep healthy foods like fresh fruit and veggies on easy-to-reach shelves in your fridge or on your counter. That way, you’ll be more likely to reach for them first.




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