Get That V-Shape Cut ABS With The Right Workout!

Are you one of those who want nothing more than perfect v-cut abs?  With some hard core abs workout and structured dieting you can get the V cut you desire. In order to obtain this great visual effect on your body, you will have to get the correct abs workout and good nutrition. Building abs takes time, but if you’re willing to do the work, you will achieve this V-Shaped Cut faster than you think!
With this Ultimate V-Cut Abs Workout, you will be able to build, sculpt and achieve your abs in the most effective way.


You can strengthen your abs and add definition to your V cut by implementing the following varied routine for lower abs.  These exercises also help reduce pain in the lower back.

1. Lying Leg Raises (4 sets x 15 reps)

This exercise should be performed with smooth and slow movements. You can vary it by holding a weight between the feet.

2. Hanging Leg Raises (4 sets x 15 reps)

Just like the previous exercise, the movements should be executed slowly. Make sure that your legs are straight. If you find this exercise too easy then add some weights between your feet.

3. Reverse Crunches (4 sets x 15 reps)

Take a dumbbell between your feet when confident performing this exercise for some added tension.


4. Ab V Hold (4 sets x 1 minute hold)

This exercise is very demanding it should be done at the end of your routine. Lift yourself from a lying position and form a V with your body. Hold for at least 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Developing A Balanced Core

If you want to develop your V cut abs it’s very important to concentrate on your core in addition to the lower abs strength. You should make sure that your workout routine includes exercises that target your core muscles. Here are a selection of exercises that you can include in your routine.

  • Target the obliques and central abdominal muscles with side crunches.
  • Strengthen your lower back by doing hip bridges.
  • Target your thighs, glutes, back and hips by doing lunges.
  • Yoga poses improve your overall core strength, flexibility and balance.

Reducing Body Fat

1. Healthy Diet

If you want the V cut abs to really show they should not be covered in fat. Back up your exercises with a healthy diet.  You don’t even have to follow a strict diet, just have in mind the following principles and the fat will eventually disappear.

  • Avoid foods that are rich in sugars or fats.
  • Make sure that you consume lean protein.
  • Include more fresh fruits and vegetables that provide you with the required nutrients.
  • Reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, but make sure that they are still part of your diet.

Another important factor is never to starve yourself. Food provides your body with the needed energy and by depriving yourself of food, it will cause you to easily feel tired and irritated. You will lack the energy for doing the exercises.

2. Include Cardio Exercises

One of the greatest things about cardio is that you don’t need any special equipment or financial investment. They are also highly effective when trying to lose weight.  Cardio exercises include some of the following – jogging, cycling, swimming or hiking.

Running is probably one of the most effective cardio exercises. The best results in boosting your metabolism can be achieved by alternating between short sprint bursts and rhythmic jogging.

3. Consume Lots of Water.

Make sure that you drink at least 2 litres of water every day. This ensures that you stay hydrated and helps in flushing the toxins from your body.

4. Take on Resistance Training

Resistance training exercises (weightlifting or body weight workouts) can be helpful for improving your form and ensure a reduction of muscle loss when you’re trying to lose weight. You should not start with high weight exercises immediately.

Make sure that you start slowly and prepare your body for when it feels ready to increase weights.

5. Increase your daily activities

In addition to dieting and working out, you should also become more active during the day. For example, you can always bike to work instead of driving a car. When you work in an office, make sure that you don’t spend the whole day sitting in a chair. Get up every once in a while to at least stretch.

6. Be Patient And Determined

Those V cut abs cannot be built overnight. It take patience and determination to achieve this. As you progress  you should take on some more challenging exercises to fully shape your abs.






These Are 8 Best Workouts That Help Tone Your Abs Faster

These Are 8 Best Workouts That Help Tone Your Abs Faster

We all want and need a flat tummy, or even shredded ABS. But with the internet full of workouts, what to choose? Read on, and you will find out!

Having a flat belly is a dream of most women. Having shredded ABS is what the guys dream! Belly fat is a trouble that takes a serious damage on the health, increasing the risk of breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease as well.

There are many ways to help you tone abs quickly. The workout is one of such ways. Some workouts are also good for skin care. Here are the top most workouts that will act your abs and make you healthy & fit and tone your body quickly.

  • The Abdominal Hold


Take a chair. Sit on a sturdy chair’s edge. The back should be straight. Then, keep your hands on your fingers’ edge. Now tighten the abs and bring 4-inches off the floor. Keep in this position for around 5 to 10 seconds.

Continue to this move for one minute.


The Prone Plank

This is also one of the easiest workouts to tone your abs quicker.


First of all, get into one full pushup position. Your palms on the ground beneath the shoulders. Hold this position about 30 seconds with the abs contracted and your arms extended. As keeping building the strength, hold this position longer.

Then, go deeper. If feeling confident, you can use one arm.

Sit Ups


Start by lying flat on the ground and bending your knees. Then, put your hands on your opposing shoulders. After this, tighten the abdominal muscles by drawing the belly button towards your spine. Your toes and heels should be flat on the floor. Now raise your head and then the shoulder blades.

Then, pull up from the ground until an angle of 90 degree is created. Keep in this position for a few seconds.

Finally, come back down and then repeat fifteen times.

The Single Leg Stretch


Begin by lying down on the mat with the knees bent. Then, lift your head and the shoulders as well. Curl the chin in toward the chest area. Then, raise your right leg around 45 degrees off the floor.

Switch legs, extending the left leg while hugging the right leg to the chest.

For each leg, do around 5 to 10 times.

Vertical Leg Crunch


Start by lying down on your mat with the lower back pressed to the floor. Now place the hands behind the ears, elbows out. Then, extend and raise the legs straight up over the hips. Bend in your knees slightly, and cross your ankles.

Contract the abdominal muscles; raise the torso toward the knees. Keep the eyes demonstrated on the ceiling.

Exhale when you lift the torso to the knees and inhale as you come back to the initial position.

Ballet Twist


First of all, sit on the ground and extend the legs, and then press them firmly together.

Now lean back about 45 degrees from your hips. Then, keep the abs engaged when you bring both the arms overhead like one ballerina. Gradually twist your torso toward your right, placing the right arm on your mat.

Now keep the left arm reach overhead for a count of 3. Repeat the process, keeping the left arm on the ground, and keeping your heels and butt on the floor.

Then, contract your abs toward support the spine as you come back to center, carrying both arms overhead. Finally, continue alternating sides. Perform two sets of 6 to 8 times on each side.

The Side Crunch


Start by kneeling on the ground and lean all the manner over to the right side, placing the right palm on the ground. Keep balance in your weight, gradually extend the left leg and point the toes. Then, put the left hand behind the head, pointing the elbow to the ceiling. Next, gradually lift the leg to hip height when you extend the arm above the leg, with the palm facing forward.

Now look out over the hand while you bring the left side of the rib cage to your hip. Lower to your initial position and then repeat 6 to 8 reps.

Perform 2 sets of 6 to 8 times, and thereafter switch sides.

The Cobra


Start by lying face down on the ground with the palms near the chest. Now raise your head, chest, and shoulders off the floor, pulling the shoulder blades down plus together.

Keep for two counts and later lower back down. Repeat 8 to 10 reps.

You can try lifting your hips and thighs off the floor for a more difficult workout.

In conclusion, these amazing exercises will help you tone your abs and the body faster.  Apart from these workouts, you should drink plenty of water, have a healthy and balanced diet, and avoid fatty foods, etc. Hope that these workouts are really helpful for you.

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